Saturday, September 24, 2011

Our Eyes Are Dim!

Maybe I have been stretching a bit in my past reflections on the Sunday readings for Mass (here and here, and finally here ). In my heart I have been brought back again and again to the theme that we have dimmed our eyes and weakened virtues by relying on over-sentimental visions of the Sacred Scriptures and thus of the Lord Himself.  It is our growing inability to perceive the unseen, and to seek out the Lord in the wonders that we are surrounded by. We want to grasp God and quantify Him, examine Him under a microscope.  And this weakens our faith, and our strength as a society.  We cannot produce true justice, because we do not have the strength, wisdom and enduring compassion to actually see it through.  In our guilt at failing our fellow man in building each other  up virtue we fall back on "fairness" which in turn continues the downward spiral until I fear we will not have many people who will be able to see or understand transcendent truths or values.  It will be as C.S. Lewis predicted in his book The Abolition of Man.  If you haven't read it, you should!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Famished Heart

Famished Heart

I am invisible to the world,
Invisibly held fast in Your protection; held fast in your favor.
I grope, grasp and stumble, Your strength upholds me  
Vanity of vanities; You call me beyond my nothingness,
Alluring me unto You, whispering to my restless, famished heart.

Words cannot describe my joy, Yet my voice lifts to You in praise
In You, dead wombs beget generations,
Lifeless souls enter eternity.
Rescue me from the isolation of myself.
Fill my famished heart with joy beyond all words!

My paths you make straight.
My restlessness you fill with holy desire.
Purifying love burns through me like fire;
Your cleansing wrath pours on me like water;
Illuminating my path, refreshing my footsteps.

You erode walls that dam my passion; walls that hedge my charity.
Your justice surges like water;
Your goodness flows like an unfailing stream.
My heart is raised in Your might, resurrected for Your glory.
The profane washes away; the precious revealed, my soul is scoured.

The quiet lullaby is my song of praise!
All who hear me, praise Him!
For God lifts the lowly; sees the unseen;
 Illuminates the ever present beauty.
Famished hearts filled with joy beyond all  words!

 Copyright 2011 Heidi Knofczynski

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sophia at

Shes so, you know.... Sophia! I think the video says it all! My 3 year old Sophia! Life would be soooooo dull without her!